
Obituary for Sarah Kennedy

Miss Sarah Kennedy died at her home at Belview Saturday at 12 o'clock. The funeral services was held in the Belview church Monday at 10 o'clock and the remains were taken to Olathe for burial.
Olathe MIrror
July 31, 1902
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Sarah Kennedy the second child of Martin and Eunice Kennedy was born in Peru, Indiana, April 19, 1846. When a child of 5 years she moved with her parents to Jackson county, Mo., where her girlhood was spent. In 1862 she removed with her parents to a farm in Johnson connty Kas., five miles north of Stanley, where she resided until the time of her death July 26, 1902.
She united with the M. E. church south in 1878 and remained a consistent Christian until death. She always held her church duties and rights as very sacred and was ever ready to help the Master when her health would permit. In her last hours she remembered her church. Sarah was a dear lover of children. In Aunt Sadie all her nieces and nephews found a great comforter in time of trouble. She was self sacrificing and cheerful, ever pointing to the bright side.
During her last illness she realized that God was calling her, then her faith in heaven and the meeting of loyed ones gone before broke forth in raptures. She called all her loved ones to her bedside for a parting message and good bye until we meet again. Resignation, peace and love hovered over the soul to the last. Her one regret was to leave her aged and helpless mother who with five brothers and two sisters survive her. Funeral services was held at Belleview church at 10 a. m., July 28 and interment in Olathe cemetery.
Olathe Mirror
August 21, 1902
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