
Obituary for Jehuda Ashmond Hammond


One by one the pioneers of Johnson county and Olathe are passing away from the scenes of earth, and laying down their work for the last lone sleep. The last of these to leave us was Jehuda A. Hammond, who departed this earth life, at the family residence, on North Kansas Ave., Olathe, at midnight of Wednesday December 20, aged 81 years, 10 months and 14 days. The funeral services were held at the residence on Friday, the 22nd, the Rev. J. G. Henderson officiating, the members of Hamony Lodge No. 59, 1. O. O. F. conducting the services in accordance with their beautiful and impressive ceremony.

Jehuda A. Hammond was born in Essex, Essex county, New York in 1824. He came to Olathe in 1859 settling on a homestead northwest of town which is now the property of Sam Ernst. Mr Hammond for years ws the senior partner of the firm of Hammond & Hisey, furniture dealers, which had a large and profitable business. He was also engaged in the meat business for a time. He never held public office because never cared for it, but was a public spirited citizen, and was highly respect by all who knew him. He was a member of Harmony Lodge 59, 1. O. O. F. in good standing for 25 years. He leaves three sons, C. E. Hammond, the grocer, E. C. Hammond, the painter, and Arthur Hammond, with a furniture manufacturer of Kansas City, and a step daughter Mrs. Clara Smith of Los Angeles, California.

Mr. Hammond had suffered greatly for a year or more and had been unable to see or hear for some time so that death came to him as a welcome release and he died in peace without a struggle and in fellowship with the M. E church.

Olathe Mirror
December 28, 1905
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