
Obituary for Rembrant Hill


One of the saddest affairs that has happened in this community for years occurred last Friday, resulting in the death of Mr. R. P. Hill of this place. He was plowing  with a Sulkv plow, riding on the seat immediately in the rear of the horses and to urge the team forward he punched  one of them on the hind legs with a short whip stock which caused the animal to commence kicking one of the strokes striking him in the pit of the stomach, knocking him backwards off the the plow. His brother who was also plowing but a short distance from him ran to his assistance aid summoned, had him at once removed  to a room near the depot where they had been “baching“ and medical aid summoned. His injuries were at first not considered serious, but in a few hours began sinking and lingered in great pain, until the next day about 12 o'clock when  he died before his friends had time to get word to his parents, who lived some distance in the county.

His funeral occured on Sunday afternoon, and the body was buried by the Olathe Rifles, of which organization he was a member. The funeral services were conducted by Col. J. Howard Phillips who delivered a short but forcible address at the house and conducted the exercises at the grave.

The following was written by a friend at the request of the family and handed us for publication:

Mr. Rembrant P. Hill was born in Ohio Oct. 22nd, 1848, and died at Olathe, Kans. Aug., 14. 1880, aged 31 years 10 mos. And 22 days. "Branch” as he was familiarly, called by his friends and associates was a young man of rare worth. His hands were never idle and his diligent efforts upon the farm have been crowned with abundant harvests .His lips were ever loaded with kind words which bubbled up from the heart that was generous, noble, honest and true. He was a member of the Olathe Rifles, holding the rank of Corporal. With his comrads he was a general favorite. His sweet spirit, kind and genial manner, always brought a ray of sunlight whenever he appeared in their midst. His own mother died some years their but his step mother, stood by the the of the deceased and grieved deeply, and to your correspondent while at the an young were never Idle and his diligent efforts up on the farm have been crowned with abundant harvests. His lips were ever loaded with kind words which bubbled up from a heart that was generous, noble, honest and true. He was a member of the Olathe Rifles, holding the rank of Corporal. With his comrads he was a general favorite. His sweet spirit, kind and genial manner, always brought a ray of sunlight whenever he appeared in their midst, probably no one of their number had he been taken away would have produced more universal grief. This feeling was plainly displayed 'at the funeral on Sabbath day when all with hardly an exception wept tears of deepest sympathy and regret:

He was the son of Ben. Hill of this county. His own mother died some years their but his step mother, stood by the form of the deceased and grieved deeply, saying to your correspondent while at the grave. 'I know no difference between Rembrant and my own children. He was a noble boy and I loved them all alike."  Probably no one among the number felt the stroke more severely than did his brother Harvey, for the two boys had together constantly for years occupying the same bed and sharing all things in common. He leaves a father, mother, three brothers and one sister to mourn his loss. This entire community sympathize with them in their affliction, and many have been the prayers offered up by hearts: that the same Saviour who wept with Martha and Mary at the  grave of their brother, many extend to them the sympathy of his great heart. That He who posses the balm of healing and the oil of consolation may administer them to their comfort. And that out of this severe providence there may come forth a revenue of Divine good to the entire community.


The (Olathe) Mirror and Newsletter
August 19, 1880
Page 1, col 5