
Obituary for Huston McCanse

"Huse" was born in 1854, died March 1881 in Olathe, Johnson, Kansas. He was the son of Mary McCanse Bucy. and raised by her and her husband, Richard Bucy. Houston, his siblings, mother and grandmother''s race was listed as Mullato on census records and his biological father is listed as being born in NC.

His siblings included: Jeremiah (buried in Spring Hill, KS and has an abundant of articles written on his life as a slave, war veteran and prominent businessman; slave owner that he was freed through was William McCanse "Uncle Bill"), Mary, Carroll, Laura, Hannah, John, and Bettie.

Obituary to Huse McCanse: This slighted piece of earth''s dark clay From this vain world has passed away; Forgive his sins, we humbly pray, For life''s shotr span seems but a day. And may this innocent child of God, With temptation''s vice, through life has prod, Escape the sinners fearful rod, And climb the steps so few hath trod, And where he''s gone though few may care, Remember, ll his fate must share, That now he''s entered death''s dark portal, Forget not, please, he once was mortal Burial took place on: 03/20/1881.