
Obituary for Harry W McBride


Another of the pioneer settlers of Johnson county has answered the final roll call and departed from this earth life. On Sunday evening Harry McBride passed away at his home in Olathe. the aged 65 years.

He was born in Orange county, New York, in 1860 and educated there and in New York City, where he learned the drug business. He located in South Bend, Ind , where he was in the mercantile business for four years. He was married to Miss Mary L. Brown of that place in 1860 and immediately after moved to McCamish.township and engaged in mercantile business at Lanesfield He was appointed U.S. assesor in 1862 holding for three years. In 1864 he removed to Olathe township where he has since resided, being engaged in the mercantile business and in raising of fruit.

He was elected to the legislature in 1864 serving one term. In 1866 he was appointed U. S. Internal revenue collector, which office he held for several years. In 1870 he engaged in speculation in Indian lands which he carried on quite successfully for several years and of late years has been a very successful fruit raiser.

Mrs. McBride, passed away some years ago. They had four children, Chas. A., Eugene B., Fred and Carrie A. He was also adjustant general of the brigade of Kansas militia commanded by W. H. M. Fishback during the war, which protected the border following the Quantrell raids.

Mr. McBride was a man who was very popular among all classes and his loss will be deeply felt by many. He ws secretary of the Old Settlers association of Johnson county, and a member of the Masonic order which conducted his funeral Tuesday. The only survivor of the family is his daughter,  Carrie, with whom he made his home.

Olathe Mirror
January 11, 1906
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