
Obituary for Richard Samuel Roe

Richard S. Roe, aged 47 years and 9 months, died at his home on East Loula street Thursday, 'May 11, after about one months illness. .The funeral was held from the late home under the auspices of the M. W. A. and M. P. L. orders, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock p. m. Both orders held short ritualistic services over the grave of their departed brother. Dick Roe was a man of many friends in this city and his death entirely unexpected and very much of a shock to his family and friends.

Olathe Mirror
May 18, 1905
Page 2, col 2

"Richard Samuel Roe Obituary, submitted by Kenneth Roe:; Richard S. Roe, aged 47 years and 9 months, died at his home on East Loula Street Thursday, May 11th, after about one month's illness. The funeral was held from the late home under the auspices of the Modern Woodsmen of America and the M.P.L. orders, on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock P.M. Both orders held short ritualistic services over the grave of their departed brother. Dick Roe was a man of many friends in the city and his death was entirely unexpected and very much of a shock to his family and friends.; Olathe Register, May 19, 1905"