

Paul Lloyd Jennett born December 26, 1956, passed away at the family home at 671 37th St., Des Moines, Iowa, where his remains were found on May 15, 2015.

He was preceded in death by his father, Lloyd Vincent Jennett (6-7-1990) and mother, Geraldine Patricia Jennett (11-21-2004).  He had no siblings or children.  He is survived by cousins, Judy Jennett Hayward, Jerry Jennett and Jim Jennett.

Paul attended St. Augustin Grade School and Dowling High School.  Paul also attended DMACC and Drake University, where he received a Bachelor''''s degree in Liberal Arts in 1986 and an MBA in 1989.  Paul was a very private person and was clearly devastated when his closest friend, his mother, passed away in 2004.

A private burial is planned at Highland Memory Gardens in early June 2016.

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