
The Life of John Ocheltree MD

Dr. Ocheltree Dead.

Dr, John Ocheltree died at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keefer in East Olathe, Saturday, February 9th, from a paralytic stroke as indicated in last weeks Mirror, in the 85th .year of his age. Dr. Ocheltree spent the greater part of his life in Cincinnatti, Ohio, but since his son, the late Wm. A. Ocheltree married and made a permanent home, in Olathe he has spent a portion of each year here. In later years the Dr. had become quite feeble and was but seldom seen by our citizens generally. The funeral took place from the residence of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. A. Ocheltree; at 2 o'clock p. m.. Monday, conducted by Rev. A. V. Stout in an able and impressive discourse. Afterwards, the remains were deposited by the side of his son in Olathe cemetery.

Olathe Cemetery
february 14, 1895
Page 7, col 3

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Posted by Norman P on 01/07/2019