Obituary Notice.
Gracie Easdale died at the family residence in South Olathe, Thursday morning, March 22d. and was buried in the Olathe cemetery. Papa and mama find infinite comfort in the words she spoke on her earth's life's last morning.
After having asked the doctor it she must die and being answered m the affirmative, she said: "Mamma don't grieve for me. I'm not afaid to die, I'm not afraid to go to Jesus. Papa, mamma, be good and meet me in heaven. Tell my school-mates to be good and I'll meet them there too. Mamma don't grieve."
And then in the home that was Gracie's for ten years, the foot falls were soft and the voices were low; and papa and mamma and all the rest of us will look in vain for safer, sweeter wisdom than that she gave with her good-byes.
"And love will hope and faith will trust
That somewhere somehow meet we must."
Olathe Mirror
March 29, 1888
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