
The Life of Lydia Ann Hahn


Saturday night, Nov. 22d, 1870, of congestion of the lungs. Mrs. Lydia Anna Hahn, in the 41st year of her age,

Mrs. Hahn was found dead in the bed, by her husband when he waked up about four o'clock in the morning. She had been suffering since last Tuesday night with lung fever, but did not consider herself very sick,  neither did the family or the doctor consider her dangerously ill, yet she was taking medicine and Mr. Hahn set up Saturday night until half past ten o'clock, to give her the medicine prescribed by the doctor that afternoon, Mrs. Hahn had been resting easy, sleeping quietly, for a couple of hours before that time.

She waked up about half-past ten o'clock , Mr. Hahn then told her it was time to take her medicine, which he prepared for her and she sat up in bed and took the medicine, also asked for a drink of water which Mr. Hahn procured , she took the cup in her hand, drank  the water, and then insisted upon Mr. Hahn going to bed, claiming that there was no necessity for him sitting up, and expressed surprise at his not having  gone to bed before that, as he was suffering from a severe cold, being unable to speak above a whisper.

Mr. Hahn then lay down with Mrs. Hahn and went to sleep, and says that he waked up about 12 o'clock, and that being the time she should take another dose of medicine, he put his hand over on her body and found her warm, and as he then thought sleeping quietly, and as she had been deprived of sleep for several nights by severe coughing, he thought that he had better not wake her up; as a good sleep he supposed would do her more good than the medicine.

 He then went to sleep and waked up again about half-past three o'clock, and again put his hand on her body and found it cold, which frightened him, and he then immediately placed his hand on her forehead and she was cold, and apparently had been dead for some time, and says it might have been possible that she was dead the first time he examined her, and supposed she was sleeping quietly and apparently all right, as she was laying in the same position, as when she lay down at half-past ten o'clock when he found her dead In the morning. Mrs. Hahn is the third sister of the same family that have died suddenly in this manner, and without being considered dangerously ill.

The (Olathe) Mirror and News Letter
November 27, 1879
Page 1, col 4,5

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Posted by Norman P on 09/27/2018