Died Last Thursday.
Died, at the family residence in Olathe. on the corner of Spruce and Cherry street, July 25th, 1889, Frankie B., son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Waight, aged 9 years and 8 months. Frankie was a good, pious boy, and was idolized gy his parents and beloved by all who knew him. But death in an unexpected moment took the dear one from those who loved him, Oh, so much! May God in his mercy soothe the sorrow of the heart-broken parents in this, sthe darkest hours, and the bitterest moments of their lives.
The funeral took place on Friday, July 26th, and was conducted by Rev. W. J. Mitchell.
"Dearest Frankie, thou hast left us;
Here thy loss we deeply feel;
But 'tis God that hath bereft us; ,
He can all our sorrows heal."